Volodya, at Temple Honoring Destroyed Forests: Latvia; with the apple trunks he saved. |
As the host of “100.panta preses clubs” (in Latvian), Dzintris Kolāts introduced those present http://ltvzinas.lv/?n=zinas&id=4204 Šovakar „100. panta preses klubā” – diskusijā par krievu valodu Latvijā - Sandra Kalniete, Eiropas Parlamenta deputāte („Vienotība”), Nikolajs Kabanovs, Saeimas deputāts (SC), Kārlis Seržants Saeimas deputāts (ZZS) Žurnālisti: Eduards Liniņš (Latvijas Radio), Māris Antonevičs („Latvijas Avīze”), Andrejs Hotejevs, („Telegraf”) Raidījuma vadītājs – Dzintris Kolāts.
Described as a show that will discuss the place of the Russian language in Latvia (following the gathering of signatures of whether to hold a referendum: Whether the Russian language should be given 2nd language status in Latvia . The guests included no academic language experts or experts of subjective opinion (writers or poets).
As always, the Latvian communications media makes no concessions to Latvian populists. In fact, strong attacks against populism were waged by EU Deputy Kalniete and Saeima deputy Serzhants. The only pro populist statements heard came from Kabanovs and Linins.
The exclusion of all who might in the past have displayed any anti-elitist views is typical of the oligarch representatives in the Latvian Saeima. This was pointed out by Linins from Latvian Radio, who also drew attention to the fact of the Latvian language and ethnicity are taboo subjects par excellence. Linins stressed (at 9:50 min) how language and ethnicity were the subjects most avoided by Latvian politicians. Linins himself did not inhale the word, however, danced around it.
The opening up of the populist pomegrenade as a result of the exclusion of populist interests close to the Russian speaking public may not stop or be checked at this juncture. As several participants in the show pointed out, the ultimate Referendum (likely to be held sometime in April 2112) may split the population 60/40% or roughly 800,000 vs 300,000 [which = potentially 1,100,000 voters or the adult population of Latvia.]
Another reason why the opening of a populist heart-land is likely to backfire is because the questions likely to be asked include economic questions as well. The economy may in the end be the decisive one, yet, because it is well enough known that the Oligarch representative packed Latvian Saeima has avoided the question of Latvia’s economic development with determination.
Why have the Latvian elite politicians stayed away from the economic question with such determination?
Temple Honoring Destroyed Forests: Apple-tree-trunks have taken this corner of the Guest Room. |
If Saeima deputies like Serzhants question (11:03) the source of advertising and promotion for the signature campaign by suggesting we look East and the political campaigning going on in Russia, the populists who hold dear the Russian language can with justification point to the West and the economic and deptors’ crisis in Latvia caused largely by Swedish banks through their local oligarch-controlled affiliates.
Given that
· the oligarch representative-dominated Latvian Saeima (banking interests among them)- was voted to be dismissed by the Latvian voters in a Referendum earlier this year (but received no satisfaction for their trouble), and the signature gathering campaign for the April Referendum is professionally waged, one would not be surprised if the vote went 300,000 for vs 800,000 against the Latvian language—a result, arguably, a disaster for the Latvians;
· lest we forget that possibly up to a half a million Latvians have left Latvia and neither they, not their at-home relatives feel especially indebted to the their oligarch representatives in the Saeima;
Elves dancing at the Temple Honoring Melnays Jahnis, in Latvia. |
Leader of the Elves, Col. Yonderman, at the Temple Honoring Destroyed Forests, Latvia. |
· one of the populist segments of the people of Latvia are the people of the region of Latgale, who have suffered during the current financial-economic crisis most. Moreover, they have been humiliated in the Saeima, by the refusal of the body's Chairwoman to accept the inflection of Latgalian as part of the Latvian language. A deputy from Latgale was forced to reread his oath, because he pronounced one of the words in the oath in the Latgalian dialect.
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