This blog in 2 parts. This is part 1.
To intervijā laikrakstam «Latvijas Avīze» pastāstījis «Vienotības» ģenerālsekretārs Artis Kampars.
A Meme of a Tem;ple Gong. 1 |
«Tā kā latviešu valoda noteikti ir viens no šīs valsts pastāvēšanas pamatjautājumiem, tad tik svarīgā pasākumā, iespējams, varētu izmantot arī budžeta naudu. Tam piekrīt «Vienotības» valdes vairākums, jo lai atceramies, ka arī pirms referenduma par iestāšanos Eiropas Savienībā tika rīkota plaša atbalsta kampaņa, kam tērēja valsts līdzekļus. Jautājums par latviešu valodu kā vienīgo valsts valodu ir tikpat nozīmīgs pamatjautājums Latvijas nākotnei. Manuprāt, šī ir reize, kad būtu korekti tērēt nodokļu maksātāju naudu, lai informētu iedzīvotājus. Tai nevajadzētu būt lielai summai, lai izskaidrotu mūsu neatkarīgās valsts pozīciju, kāpēc ir tik svarīgi saglabāt pilnas neapstrīdamas tiesības latviešu valodai. Un valstij šāda pozīcija ir jāieņem,» teica Kampars.
A Meme of a Tem;ple Gong. 2. |
«Par «Vienotību» runājot, jā, cilvēki tiks celti kājās, un mums būs arī kampaņas vadības grupa. Man ir pārliecība, ka vismaz jau nu referenduma lietā trim koalīcijas partijām nebūs nekādu domstarpību. Paredzu, ka turpināsim koordinēt sadarbību, saskaņot plānus, lai uzrunātu vēlētājus.» (Paldies
The above announcement is from Artis Kampars, the general-secretary of the right wing’s most anti-populist) party. Kampars is confident that he reflects the party’s collective will. What does that will mean? What means its success? WIll the Russian language in Riga lie prostrate before A STATE FINANCED CULTURAL WAR LED BY KAMPARS? Where is the public Referendum for that act?
I have only unpleasant associations with the mind-set behind Kampars aggressiveness. Does Kampars and the party indeed have so closely related views?
It seems as if an ancient mind meme originating with the arrival in Latvia of the Romans in the eleventh century, found fertile ground here. The route of the infected meme was: through the ranks of lithuanian boyars who find much in common with the polish pans. A ‘native lett', one named Kaupo, joined the defectors from the Egalitarian League. It was probably through the help of the llatter that Latvian bohyars in Riga got hold of the preses and being a Latvian was defined in the Riga. It was obviously asuccessful seizure, because Latvian boyars are now everywhere we look.
It seems as if an ancient mind meme originating with the arrival in Latvia of the Romans in the eleventh century, found fertile ground here. The route of the infected meme was: through the ranks of lithuanian boyars who find much in common with the polish pans. A ‘native lett', one named Kaupo, joined the defectors from the Egalitarian League. It was probably through the help of the llatter that Latvian bohyars in Riga got hold of the preses and being a Latvian was defined in the Riga. It was obviously asuccessful seizure, because Latvian boyars are now everywhere we look.
Ever since the roman meme virus was let loose in Livonia, it occupies the land as a mind-meme. In Latvia the local synonym for roman aggression manifests itself as „skaudiba”
Strange as it may seem, the „roman meme” was carried by what we may now call the „Mind Meme Virus”, a virus that asserts that „whatever takes self-discipline is easily sabotaged” by turning to violence for a little help.
True, the aggressiveness ought never to have got this far into the Latvian culture and become part of the mind-set. Unfortunately, it has seldom if ever been contested, and as a result it does a lot of harm when it comes to the preservation of the community for the long-term. Mr. Kampars speaks for the short-term culture, which is subject to a mindset open to a suggestion to solve problems through turning to aggression, perhaps even violence
True, the aggressiveness ought never to have got this far into the Latvian culture and become part of the mind-set. Unfortunately, it has seldom if ever been contested, and as a result it does a lot of harm when it comes to the preservation of the community for the long-term. Mr. Kampars speaks for the short-term culture, which is subject to a mindset open to a suggestion to solve problems through turning to aggression, perhaps even violence
The roman mind meme among Latvians has its roots in the eleventh century and in the arrival of the idea that solutions to the problems of the community can be solved by aggression and violence. The prehistoric traditions of self-sacrifice as means to an end were shown the door. Ever since it has been an unstated presumption of the state that the "tauta" of populists better do as we of the government do, or you exist only because we and the state money behind us agree to it.
However, there are other ways of thinking about the roman meme. The Roman-to-German to-Papish and the catholic lutheran meme dug itself deep into the proto-Latvian soul. The Latvians, living largely on poor soil and little else but forests and sands as its resources) were naturally jealous of everyone better off. This is one reason why it is such a wonder that the community came through not as demoralized as some would predict..
The roman meme met up with and became friends of Latvian ‘skaudiba’. Whether it leads to violence is anyone;s guess. It takes training to be able to do a mind meme stunt with the entire society in tov. The result is more likely of one of moving agains the crowd.
Hopefully Latvians have come to an end of accepting such advice as offered as a solution to the language issue by Kampars of Vienotība. «Tā kā latviešu valoda noteikti ir viens no šīs valsts pastāvēšanas pamatjautājumiem, tad tik svarīgā pasākumā, iespējams, varētu izmantot arī budžeta naudu. Tam piekrīt «Vienotības» valdes vairākums.... " It is a presumption that leads a political party to identify itself as the state." This is not a mindset for Latvians to be welcoming of..
A Meme of a Tem;ple Gong. 3. |
The question is „What if” using the tactic dictated by the presumption for more and more and never enough freedom theme, leads to a „meme cancer”, and the canceriys „sastrehgums” of languages devours the community.
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